Tony Robbins model of change is below. If you want to change anything the pattern is…

  1. Vision: Get laser focused on what you want and why. Clarity is power. This activates the brain’s RAS (reticular activating system) which tells you brains what results to aim for.

  2. See reality as it is, but not worse than it is. You have to know where you are.

  3. Create a MAP to go from where you are to where you want to be. The key here is to focus less on the how and more on the who. Who has already done it? Model them to accelerate your journey. Success leaves clues.

  4. Do hard things. Start.

  5. Develop a practice and system. Turn it into an ongoing set of behaviors not a one-time thing. 6. Keep measuring – check and adjust. See if you are on track. If not iterate – try a new MAP. Continue to raise your standards.

  6. Celebrate!

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