Obstacles, blocks, and mental patterns are more than just thoughts they are "discrete clusters of related mental processes" these internal units link together memories, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. - Dick Schwartz

The constellations of interrelated thoughts, emotions, and narratives can be called “patterns”. All patterns exist for a reason. The first step of compassionate inquiry is investigating that. Not "how do I get rid of this" but "why is this here". We should not resist the patterns of suppress them as this takes a toll on our energy. Instead we should accept and understand them holding them lightly and not identifying with them. Think of them as “stupid friends" who want to help but end up contributing unuseful information and energy.

Upon this investigation we can examine the origin of where that pattern came from and how it did or did not serve us. Then we can ask how it is or is not serving us now.

As the Buddha said — once you identify the origin of your suffering you are already on the path to being free of it.

The next phase is, having thoroughly recognized the pattern, explore what it would mean to reconcile and integrate. How can you make sure it serves you rather than you serve it.

REF — Compassionate Inquiry from Dr. Gabor Mate and IFS from Dr. Richard Schwartz


The “bargain question” is useful for healing unhelpful patterns.