Consider a mental pattern: emotional tendency, thought or story, belief, coping strategy, etc. that isn’t serving you. If you want to manage it. Follow “ABE”:
- Associate: This is getting psychological leverage. You have to appreciate the impact of it - what is at stake? What is it costing you? Associate the pattern with pain in past, present, and future. Associate changing it with pleasure in the past, present, or future.
- Break the pattern: This can be done by simply labeling as you see it come up (oh I see I’m doing xyz again) or (oh I see my old friend showing up to try and help). You can also use an intentional change in your body, attention, or thoughts / language to interrupt it. Your state (experience) is a combination of body, attention, and thoughts/language. Maybe you hear your self-talk telling you a story about how you are going to fail or need to do xyz to feel safe and you point at your head and laugh.
- Empower with a new helpful pattern: You can replace this old pattern with a new helpful one. Maybe an old belief was “I get nervous before presenting” and that becomes “I get alert and excited before presenting”. Maybe it is behavioral - you used to smoke when stressed, now when you’re stressed you go for a walk outside.